Malaria is currently one of the major diseases that cause significant morbidity and mortality in
sub-Saharan Africa including Ethiopia. The public health and socio-economic impact of malaria
is very huge in Ethiopia. ...
Pneumonia, a respiratory infection that affects the lungs, causes inflammation of the alveoli due
to various pathogens. It poses a major public health risk, especially in children under five,
contributing significantly ...
The yield of potato has been decreasing in Ethiopia from time to time due to the declining supliy
of inorganic fertilizers. Thus, a field experiment was conducted in at Yilmana Densa district, to
evaluate the effect of ...
Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants was conducted in Fogera Woreda, South Gondar Zone
of Amhara Region, Ethiopia. The main objective of this study was to document the traditional
medicinal plants use in Fogera ...
Grivet monkeys are mostly herbivorous and feed on a wide range of food items. A study on
population size, activity time budget and feeding ecology of grivet monkey (Chlorocebus
aethiops) was conducted in Sekele Mariam ...
Morphogenetic traits are observable characters inherited by individuals from their parents in an
autosomal dominant or recessive manner and expressed differently among populations. The
main objective of the study is ...
Morphogenetic traits are observable characters inherited by individuals from their parents in an
autosomal dominant or recessive manner and expressed differently among populations. The
main objective of the study is ...
Intestinal helminthic infections are highly prevalent throughout the tropics and sub tropics and
affect millions of people especially in poor countries including Ethiopia. Pregnant women are
one of the highly susceptible ...
The study was conducted in Robit Bata Church Forest, northwestern Ethiopia to investigate the
floristic composition, population structure and regeneration status of woody species. Systematic
random sampling method was ...
Over centuries, indigenous people have developed their own knowledge on plant use. Traditional
medicine remains to be a locally available, affordable and easily accessible remedies for the
community. This knowledge is ...
Intestinal parasitic infections are major health problems in many developing countries,
particularly among pre-school and school-aged students. Monitoring the status of intestinal
parasitic infection among school ...
Diarrheal diseases are among the leading causes of under-five mortality in low and
middle-income countries. Having many reservoirs, factors, transmission routes, and
antimicrobial resistance by the causative agents, ...
An ethnobotanical study on the medicinal plants was carried out in Tach Gaynt District, South
Gonder Zone of the Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia. The general objective of this study was to
investigate and document the ...
Currently, malaria is one of the major diseases that cause significant morbidity and mortality
worldwide including Ethiopia. Therefore, the present study was conducted to determine the
prevalence of malaria and its ...
Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or
alternatively, when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces and characterized by
hyperglycemia, due to ...
Studying primate population, behavior, and human primate interaction is important for planning
conservation and management actions. Human-wildlife conflict is any form of interaction that
results direct or indirect ...
Ethiopia is known by multiethnic and cultural diversity. Using traditional medicine is widespread
practices in the country. However, a limited ethnobotanical study on medicinal plants alongside
the indigenous knowledge ...
This study was conducted on medicinal plants and their uses to treat human and livestock
ailments in five kebeles of Damot Sore District in Wolaita Zone, SNNPR. The aim of this
study was to collect, identify uses of ...
Muslim grave forests can be used for conservation and potential reservoir of biodiversity.
This study was conducted in Merawi town Administration Muslim grave forest at north
Gojjam zone, Amhara National Regional State, ...
Safe water and adequate sanitation are basic rights of people and fundamental to human
development. However, large proportion of the world population, particularly in low income
countries, lack access to safe water and ...