The study was conducted with the aim of performance evaluation and developing live
weight prediction equation for Gumuz sheep under on-station management. The data
collected at Metema Gumuz sheep station from 2016 to ...
This study was targeted to phenotypically characterize the indigenous sheep populations
and defining breeding objectives in selected districts of central and west Gondar zone,
Amhara regional state, Ethiopia. The survey ...
The study was conducted in three selected districts of Awi Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia.
This study was conducted to characterize dairy cow’s conformation traits and identify
breeding practices of farmers in the study ...
Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Growth and Reproductive Performance Traits and
Designing Conservation Strategies for Fogera Cattle Breed
Assemu Tesfa*I,2, Dilip Kumar', Solomon Abegaz' and Getinet Mekuriaw':'
'Andassa ...
The study was conducted in Bahir Dar Zuria, Mecha and Yelmana Densa districts from September 20 I 3 to
October 2014, with the objective of assessing breeding practices and evaluating effectiveness of estrus
synchronization ...
The comparative study was conducted at Alage and Ardaita A TVET College to evaluate
milk production and reproductive performance of Holstein Friesian dairy cows under two
different agro ecologies and HF x Boran crossbred ...
Efforts to improve genetic quality of cattle through selection require information on genetic
parameters of cattle breed population. Without estimation of genetic parameters, breeding
program setting which could be used ...
An exploratory field survey was conducted in north Gondar zone, Ethiopia to identify and
characterize local chicken ecotypes from November to August in 2011112. Seven qualitative
and twelve quantitative traits from 450 ...
The study was conducted to evaluate the constraints of AI delivery systems and service
efficiency and reproductive performance of crossbred and local cows in central highlands of
Ethiopia The assessment of survey result ...
The research was conducted in three districts of Western Tigray Zone and Tahitay Adiyabo
district North western Tigray Ethiopiafrom June 2014 to May 2015. Semi structured questionn
aires, morphological observations, ...
Phenotypic characterization of indigenous chicken ecotypes was conducted in North
Wollo from January 2011 to May 2012 with the objectives of characterizing indigenous
chicken and their production system. Simultaneously, ...
Study was conducted from April 2011 to May 2012 in Gamo Goffa Zone of Southern
Region to characterize indigenous cattle populations and, to identify existing breeding
practices and set priority areas of interventions for ...
Phenotypic characterization of animal genetic resources is the basis for any breed
improvement program. It includes information on population size, flock size and composition,
production estimates, and information on ...
The study was carried out in three selected districts of Waghimra Zone. The objective of
the study was to undertake phenotypic characterization of Sekota sheep type and describe
breeding practices of farmers across ...
The study was carried out in three disctrict, namely Jawi, Dangila and Ankesh districts of
Awi Zone of Amhara National Regional State with the major objective of characterizing
the phenotypic features of indigenous goat ...
Phenotypic and Genetic Parameters Estimation for Growth Traits of Holstein
Friesian x Boran Crossbred Dairy Cattle at Holetta Agricultural Research Center,
Fikadu Wodajo1, 2
, Damitie Kebede1
and Mengistie ...
Phenotypic and Genetic Parameters Estimation for Reproductive and Milk Production Traits of Pure Jersey Breed at Adea-Berga Dairy Research Center, Central Highland of Ethiopia
Nibo Beneberu 1, 2*, Kefyalew Alemayehu1, ...
Phenotypic Characterization of Conformation Traits and Production System of Indigenous Goat Types in Selected Districts of East Gojjam Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia
Mezgebu Getaneh1, 2, Mengistie Taye1 and Damitie ...
The study was conducted in three districts of Awi zone Amhara region. The objective of the study was to assess the production system and to characterize indigenous chicken phenotypically. A total of 9 peasant associations ...
The study on Population status, structure, feeding ecology and habitat preference of common
Bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus decula) in the SMNP was conducted from August 2018 to
March 2019 which covered both wet and dry ...