Bamboo has become one of the world’s most important non-timber forest products,
which have been advocated for poverty alleviation in many regions. Ethiopia utilized
below its potential due to a limitation of scientific knowledge, modern practice, code
of practice, and awareness of its management and utilization. This paper aims to
develop physical testing with the corresponding physical and mechanical properties of
bamboo as scaffoldings to verify that Ethiopian highland bamboo from Awi zone is
applicable for this use and try to adapt the Asian experience to the Ethiopian context.
The study is designed to conduct one-story bamboo scaffolding physical tests on a
specified site for different parameters. Accordingly, five different experimental
designs are set for physical testing with different post spacing, bracing, and
connecting material. Before conducting the physical test, the physical and mechanical
properties of the bamboo culms are determined and a sound connecting material is
selected through experiments. Each of the experimental designs is subjected to a
physical loading using soil bags on site and their load-carrying capacity is determined
by recording the corresponding deflection or displacement in response to the loading.
The result shows that the Awi zone highland bamboo has a good and sometimes better
physical and mechanical properties compared with the Asian and other bamboo
species; with an average compressive and tensile strength of 78.96Mpa and
237.77Mpa respectively. All of the experimental designs withstand a different level of
load carrying capacity ranging from 0.76kN/m2 to 4.5kN/m2 governed by the British
standard and found that keeping the material property constant the post spacing,
connection material and bracing have a significant impact on the stability of the
scaffolding. It is concluded that the highland bamboos from Awi zone with a
reasonable design and good construction technique are applicable for use of
scaffoldings for different level of duties.
Keywords: Scaffolding, Experimental design, Bamboo, Physical testing, Connection,
post spacing, bracing.