Intellectual disability is a disorder that begins with the onset of a child’s developmental period, from childhood to adolescence (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). It includes both intellectual and adaptive functioning deficits in conceptual, social and practical domains (APA,2013). The main purpose of the study was to explore fathers lived experience in raising
female children with intellectual disability, in Bahir Dar city administration. To do so, a qualitative phenomenological research design was utilized. The data was collected from fathers, mothers and siblings of female children with intellectual disability through semi-structured interview, focus group discussion and document analysis. Eight fathers, eight mothers and five siblings were selected by purposive sampling strategy from the total number of population. The collected data were analyzed following the qualitative data analysis procedures including; organizing, reading the transcribed data, coding, developing themes representing and reporting themes and finally interpreting meaning of findings. The finding reveals that, most fathers of female children with intellectual disability had low caregiving and raising experience of their female children with intellectual disability at home. As a result, not only fathers but also female children with intellectual disability face many challenges related with social isolation, stress, lack of income or finance, support problems and education, lack of responsibility and relationship problems and negative attitude. They also develop different overcoming solution to reduce challenges and problems by using various mechanisms; like planning, resilience and using various supports. Therefore, Government and nongovernmental organizations, rehabilitation centers, communities and all relevant stakeholders had to participate actively and collaboratively in support families to contribute and play significant role in raising female children with ID for better quality of life.