Bamboo is a naturally quick-growing and regenerative building material. Because it is
more flexible, strong, ecologically friendly, lightweight, quick to install and disassemble,
affordable, and widely accessible than steel and wood, bamboo is favored as a material
for scaffolding. However, there are restrictions when it comes to modeling, analysis,
design, and the practicality of highland bamboo scaffolding. Ethiopia does not conduct a
lot of research on bamboo scaffolding. This is due to a lack of standards and regulations
across all codes as well as user perceptions of bamboo scaffolding. This study explores
those benchmark standards and specifications that are utilized as a baseline for codes
through the use of mechanical and physical laboratory testing based on ISO standards and
Universal Testing Machine(UTM). This study demonstrates how to use the ABAQUS
program to simulate, model, analyze, and design highland bamboo scaffolding systems.
A total of 143 distinct specimens and 5 different tests from a random sample were carried
out by using UTM to get the physical and mechanical properties of highland bamboo. In
order to confirm the modeling of structures in species of highland bamboo should be
grown from three to six years. The key physical characteristic that controls the
mechanical properties of highland bamboo is its moisture level, which, for bamboo that
has been seasoned, should range from 5% to 10%. The numerical analysis and design of
highland bamboo have been carried out by utilizing those experimental results. This
study compares experimental result of UTM and ABAQUS modeling by failure pattern
yields nearly same result.
Key words: bamboo behavior, bench mark properties of highland bamboo, analysis and
design of bamboo scaffolding, feasibility study, ABAQUS simulation.