Background: Human papilloma virus (HPV) is the second most common form of cancer worldwide among females aged 15 to 44 years. The prevalence of cervical cancer in Amhara region is 15% to 17% increasing seen the report in 2019. HPV vaccination is highly protective against HPV infection that can reduce 56% of HPV infection. There is limited study done in our country towards intention to HPV, meanwhile there is a gap of HPV vaccination.
Objective: To assess mothers’ intention towards human papilloma virus vaccination among their 9-14 years of daughters in Debretabor town , northwest, Ethiopia in 2022, using theory of planned behavior .
Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study design was employed. A total sample of 449 study participants was conducted in Debretabor town from November 1 to November 30, 2022. The study participants were selected using a multi stage random sampling technique. Data was collected using an interview questionnaire. The data was entered into EPI data version 4.6 then, exported to SPSS version 23 for analysis.. Those variables which had p value <0.25 in the binary logistic regration model were fitted in to the multivariable model and those variables which had value at p-value <0.05 with its 95% CI were considered as statistically significant predictors of Intention to HPV vaccine. The goodness of fit model was checked by Hosmer Lemeshow test and it was fitted and considered as a fit model when the p value was greater than 0.05.
Results. Intention of mothers towards HPV vaccine for their 9-14 yrs daughters was 67.5%. Attitude, perceive behavioral control, and subjective norms were stastically significant pridictors AOR=10.088,95% CI=6.23-16.319,P=0.000, AOR=4.119,95% CI=2.708-6.264, p=0.000, ) respectively.
Conclusion: Intention of mothers towards HPV vaccine among their daughters was not satisfactory. Attitude, knowledge, Perceived behavioral control, and subjective norms were significantly associated predictors with intentions of mothers who have 9-14yrs daughters about HPV vaccine. We would like to recommend to do community mobilization towards HPV vaccine.
Key Word:- HPV, Intention, TPB, Daughters, Debre Tabor