Background:-Maternal satisfaction is defined as the individuals’ positive evaluation of distinct dimensions of health care, particularly when patient expectations are met. Patient satisfaction is a major component of quality of health care in service provision. Patient expectations of care and attitudes greatly contribute to satisfaction. The provision of good-quality maternal health services, leading to higher levels of client satisfaction, is an important goal of health institutions that provide maternal care. And there was no study done in this area in the past used as base line data to this locality.
Objective:-The aim of the study was to assess maternal satisfaction on delivery service and associated factors among mothers who gave birth at Bahir Dar city Public Hospitals, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, 2022.
Methods: Institution based cross sectional study was conducted among 400 mothers who got delivery services at Bahir Dar city Public Hospitals, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, from Jan.1 to Jan.30, 2022. Study participants were selected with systematic random sampling technique. Structured questionnaire was used to get information from the study participants. Data was coded, entered and cleaned using Epi-Data 3.1 and was exported into a statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 23 for analysis and Binary logistic regression, initially with bi-variate analysis was used to determine the association between different factors and the outcome variable. Multivariable logistic regression was used to identify the relative importance of each predictor to the dependent variable by controlling for the effects of other variables. The result was presented in tables, texts, figures, numbers and charts.
Result: This study’s finding indicated an overall satisfaction of mother’s on labor delivery service was found to be 52.3%. Even though there was no associated factor that affects our outcome variable during multivariate logistic regression in our study this may be due most literatures uses the independent variable to composite their dependent variable and again uses for doing regression analysis which shows significant associations.
Conclusion and Recommendation: There are still unmet needs and expectations of mothers during delivery that the stakeholders should focus as delivery service quality improvement area and the care should be mother centered. And maternal satisfaction issue to decrease mortality.
Keywords: maternal satisfaction, delivery servic