Background:Extrapulmonary tuberculosis is any instance of tuberculosis involving organs other than the lungs that has been clinically or bacteriologically confirmed. Extrapulmonarytuberculosisconstitute approximately nearly half of all form of tuberculosis now a time.Despite the magnitude of extra pulmonary tuberculosis and its associated factors, it is not yet studied well.
Objective: To assess the magnitudeof extra pulmonary tuberculosis among all form of tuberculosisand associated factors at health facilitiesofAwizone administration North-West Ethiopia 2023.
Method and materials: Institutional based cross-sectional study was conducted among 550 tuberculosis caseswho was registered in tuberculosis registration bookfrom October 20,2021-October20,2022 among all form of tuberculosiscases by retrieving one-year data. A multistage simple random sampling technique was used to select tuberculosis cases. Data was collected using pretestedstructured questionnaire from tuberculosis registration book,TB linkage form and from patient chart using epi-collect 5electronic data collection tool. The collected data was exported to SPSS version 25 for further analysisand data cleaning.Model fitness was checked by using Hosmer- Lemeshowtest. Multi collinearitywas checked by variance inflation factor (VIF). Binary logistic regression was performed. Bivariate and multivariable logistic regression analysis was employed to identify factors associated with extra pulmonary tuberculosis.
Result: A total of 550 tuberculosis patient’sdata were retrieved.Among them,254(45.76%) were females.240(43.6%) were aged 35 and above yearsoldwiththe mean age of 35.85(SD±14.4)in addition most participant were from rural area448(81.45%). The magnitude of extrapulmonary tuberculosisamong all formoftuberculosiswas44%(95%CI;40.0%58.2%).Sex[AOR=1.769;95%CI;1.206,2.596], low body mass index[AOR=1.741;95%CI;1.156,2.624], duration of showingTB complexsymptoms prior todiagnosis [AOR=5.14;95%CI;3.185,8.31],urban residency[AOR=7;95%CI;4.170,12.383]had positive associationwithextrapulmonarytuberculosis during thestudyperiod inAwizonehealthfacilities.
conclusion: Thisstudy found highmagnitude ofextrapulmonary tuberculosisamong all form tuberculosis patients in Awi zone compared to the national strategic plan.So,extrapulmonary tuberculosis is one of among the major public health challenge inthe study area. Therefore, the identified modifiable factors need to be the areas of interventions by health sector of the study area to reduce the magnitude of extra pulmonary tuberculosis among all forms of tuberculosis patients.
Key words; EPTB, Awizonal Administration,TB, Ethiopia.