Professional commitment is dedication for a particular profession, and motivation they have
to stay in their profession with willingness to strive and uphold the values and goal of
Due to a lack of committed and motivated healthcare workers across all levels and
disciplines, Ethiopia's health system is dealing with a number of difficulties. This study used
to assess the magnitude of professional commitment and its associated factors among health
METHOD: institutional based cross-sectional study was conducted among randomly
selected 490 health professionals in Tibebe Ghion Specialized Hospital.
The data entered into EPI data version 4.6 and exported into SPSS version 26 for analysis
after checking of the data consistency and completeness. Descriptive and summary statistics
were computed to measure variables. Model fitness were checked using Homer–Lemeshow
goodness of fit test. Binary logistic regression analysis used to assess the association between
independent and dependent variables. All variables with p value less than or equal to 0.2 in
the bivariate analysis included into the multivariable regression analysis. variables with P value <0.05% was considered statistically significant. Data presented using tables, graph and
RESULT: A total of 460 respondents with 93.88% response rate were included. This finding
of study determined that the magnitude was 56.5%, with 95% CI (51.9, 60.4). promotion
opportunity AOR=2.040(1.271,3.272), human resource policy AOR= 1.57(1.012,2.419),
continuance organizational commitment AOR=3.38(2.236,5.106) and personal characteristics
AOR=1.969(1.319,2.940) were associated with professional commitment.
Conclusion and Recommendation:
According to the study continuance commitment, human resource policy, promotional
support and personal characteristics were factors that associated with health professional
Minister of health should set mechanisms to increase health care worker commitment.
The manager of hospital should work to increase their incentive and provide promotion
opportunity to health professional. Health professional should manage their own personal
characteristics to behave in good way to be committed for their profession.
Key word: - professional commitment, health workers, Tibebe Ghion Hospital, Bahir Dar
city, Ethiopia.