Background: Patient satisfaction is the patient’s personal judgment of his/her cognitive and emotional reaction on the interaction between expectations and perception of actual care. Patient satisfaction is an outcome indicator, a tool to analyze the quality of a healthcare system, and input to develop strategies for accessible, sustainable, affordable and acceptable patient care. However, little is known about patient satisfaction with inpatient nursing care in Tibebe Ghion Specialized Hospital in particular and in Ethiopia in general.
Objective: The study aimed to assess the level of inpatient satisfaction with nursing care and its associated factors at Tibebe Ghion Specialized Hospital, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, 2022.
Methods: A Cross-sectional study design was conducted among 410 participants in November 1 to December 1/2022. A systematic sampling technique was used. Pretested interviewer administered questionnaire were used to collect data by trained data collectors. Data entry and data analysis were done using Epi data version 4.6 and exported into SPSS version 25. The fitness of the model was assessed using the Hosmer-Lameshow test. Five point Likert scale Questions were used and compute to measure the outcome variable. The bivariable and multivariable outputs were summarized by the Crude Odds Ratio and Adjusted Odds Ratio. Finally, the variable which showed statistical significance (p-value <0.05) in multivariable analysis was significantly associated factors with inpatient nursing care.
Result: Out of 410 total samples, 398 were responded with a response rate of 97.07%. Among those 242 (60.8%) were females and the mean age of the study participants was 35.23 years. The study revealed that 51.3% of inpatients were satisfied with nursing care and a person who had a particular nurse assigned to nursing activity ,Inpatients whose privacy was assured during nursing care, a person who was comfortable with the ward cleanness, a person who was comfortable with the hospital food, a person who was admitted in gyne/obs were associated with inpatient satisfaction with nursing care.
Conclusion: Inpatient satisfaction with nursing care at Tibebe Ghion Specialized Hospital was low. Admission ward, privacy assured, particular nurse assigned, ward cleanness and hospital food were factors associated with inpatient satisfaction. The hospital administration system is better to work together to fill the gaps identified and improves the level of patient satisfaction