Background: Diarrhea is the leading cause of mortality among infants and children younger than 5 years of age in both underdeveloped and developing countries. Prevention practice of caregivers is important and can prevent diarrhea-related child morbidity and mortality. On diarrhea prevention hygiene, safe water or adequate sanitation immunization and breast feeding or nutrition status are the key factors. Therefore, the study aimed at identifying the gaps on caregivers’ under-five children diarrhea prevention practice and associated factors in the study area.
Objectives: To assess Diarrhea Prevention Practice and its Associated Factors among Caregivers of Under-Five Children who attend under five clinic at Tibebe ghion hospital, Bahirdar, Ethiopia, 2022
Methods: Hospital-based cross-sectional study was done from December 01/ 2021G.C to August 30/2022G.C. for eight months among caregivers who have under-five children, who attend under five clinic at Tibebe ghion hospital that was selected by using non-probability consecutive sampling method. Data were entered using EPI-INFO version 7, and analysis was done using SPSS version 23 statistical package. Descriptive analysis was done to describe study participants, and binary logistic regression analysis was done to identify factors that have association with the dependent variable. The AOR along with 95% CI and a P value of <0.05 was considered to declare statistical association.
Results: A total of 387 under- five children caregivers participated in the study, making the response rate of the study as 92%. The study showed that good diarrhea practice was 63% (95%CI:57.7-68). The study also identified age 25-34years(AOR:0.239, 95%CI:0.071,0.801), family size 5-8(AOR:0.248,95%CI:0.086,0.715), marital status (married(AOR:105.6, 95%CI:3.04,3669)),educational level (unable to read and write(AOR 0.001, 95%CI:0.0001,0.016)) were associated factors of diarrhea prevention practice of under five care givers.
Conclusion: This finding showed that diarrhea prevention practice of under five caregivers was low and diarrhea prevention practice significantly associated with age, family size, marital status and educational level.
Keywords: Bahir dar, diarrhea prevention practice, Tibebe ghion hospital