Since physical education was designed to help students develop their physical, mental, and socialabilities, there is a need to explore thedevelopment of sport in Ethiopian schools, particularly, in the primary and High schools. This paper presents the results of a survey that providesinsights on the effect of inadequate sporting facilities and equipment on the development of sports in primary and High schools in Libo kemekem woreda, Addis zemen. One Hundred (100) students were selected using stratified and simple random sampling techniques from a population of 879. Census study was used to select all 10 head/vice and 25 PE teachers in the five schools chosen for the study. The research design used was descriptive survey method. The instruments used were interviews, observation and questionnaire.Data was analyzed using chi- square (x2) to test the hypotheses and find the relationship between availability of sports facilities and sports performance at a significance level of 0.05.The questionnaire was administered to 135 Head/vice, PE teachers and students from the selected schools before the data collected was analyzed using simple percentage approach. The reliability the Cronbach alpha was computed which yielded a coefficient of 0.90.Descriptive statistics were used to analyze quantitative data with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. The results were presented using frequency tables, pie charts and bar graphs. The study identifies the factors that influence non-participation of schools in thisArea council in sport competitions. The academic and social impacts of providing adequate sporting activities, equipment and facilitiesare discussed before recommending the appropriate programs that can help enhance sport development at the primary and high schools level in the study area.