The main objective of the study was focused on the challenges and opportunities of female students in learning physical education: the case of Azena secondary school. The study was a descriptive survey research design. The researcher designed this study to investigate the challenges and opportunities using qualitative and quantitative research approaches. To gather necessary information for this study, the researcher took a sample of 283 students 5 physical education teachers, and 3 school principals. Stratified random sampling technique was employed to collect information from the respondent students and purposive sampling technique was used to collect data from physical education teachers and school principals. To gather the necessary data, a questionnaire, Interview, and observation checklists were used. The data collected using questionnaires were interpreted and analyzed by tables, frequency, and percentages quantitatively whereas observational and interview data were analyzed qualitatively and the researcher employed triangulation method of data analysis and interpretation. The finding of the research indicates that background of the student, lack of time to learn PE, lack of encouragement and support of teachers and school principals, lack of self-confidence and frustration of students, menstruation, the norm of the society, religion, topography of the school, unavailability of a text book, shortage of facility and equipment, and lack of sport field in the school are challenges of female students to learn PE in the school. Equal learning with males, awareness creation of students towards female physical education learning, gender education, and some intramural activities are some of the opportunities for female students presented in the school. In light of the finding addressed by the researcher, the recommendations were forwarded so as to minimize the challenges that are difficult to female students’ physical education