The primary purpose of the study was to evaluate the teaching learning process of physical education the case of feresbet general secondary school. In Degadamot Woreda there are 5 general secondary schools. From these, Feresbet general secondary school was selected by using purposive sampling technique. Twelve physical education teachers, three hundred sixty three students and four school principals were selected from Feresbet general secondary school as respondents. Stratified sampling technique was employed to select students from the sample school. This study was a descriptive survey research design utilized both qualitative and quantitative approaches. To do this research the researcher was used primary and secondary source of data to get adequate information regarding to the problem. Primary source of data was obtained from principals, teachers and students. Secondary source of data was obtained from internet sources, written articles, different books, journals and governmental offices .Data were collected through questionnaires, interview, and observation. The data collected from those tools were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitatively the data analyzed by using percentage and frequency in tables and qualitatively the analysis was made in words. The results indicated that implementation of physical education practical class in the sample school has not fully practiced, because of the following major challenges shortage of instructional materials and necessary facilities, the presence of large number of students per class, teachers failure to use variety of teaching styles,Discipilenary problems of students like coming to late ,absentism,talking and shouting. Failure to bring sport wears during practical class. Lack of teacher’s skill in demonstrating, providing constructive feedback, organizing, motivating and communicating with students during practical class and lack of professional support and continuous follow up from the concerned bodies such as Woreda school administrators. To overcome these challenges the following recommendations have been forwarded. These are, providing sufficient materials and facilities, building additional class, use variety teaching methods, design rules and regulations to minimize the disciplinary problems of students, physical education teachers should practice the skill well and the concerned bodies should be given emphasis for physical education practical classes.