The main objective of the study was to investigate the supply chain integration and its effect
on Operational performance of East African Bottling Share Company Bahirdar Plant.
Explanatory research design with quantitative research approach was employed. The study
primarily aimed to gather data from 84 managers and supervisors. The selection of the
respondents was based on census technique. The quantitative data collected through
questionnaire instrument was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Moreover,
descriptive statistics was used to present the result. In addition, the study also used multiple
linear regression test was used to evaluate the significant supply chain integration factors
affecting firm performance. Based on the questionnaire data, the study concluded that the
supply chain integration accounted for 85.6 % of variance in firm performance. In
connection, the study also concluded that supplier integration, internal integration and
customer integration affected firm performance positively and significantly. Furthermore, the
study concludes internal integration was the best predictor of firm performance by
contributing 40.2% of the change in the level of performance. Based on the conclusions the
study recommends, for the company to focus on customer and internal integration and to
create healthy relationship among the company and stakeholders.