The Ethiopian TVET system has been guided by the competency-based training since 2008
with the expectation of producing competent workforce in various occupational fields. The
major purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of TVET in Woreta TVET
College. The research method used in the study was a descriptive survey method. The
sample population used in the study consisted of 32 trainers and 83 trainees selected by
proportionate stratified sampling method, 1 dean and 5 department heads were selected
by comprehensive sampling method in the TVET College. The data obtained through
interview with dean and department heads in Woreta TVET College were analyzed
qualitatively along with the quantitative ones. Moreover, relevant data obtained from
document was also incorporated in this study. The collected quantitative data were
processed using SPSS (Version-20) then analyzed using descriptive statistics; like mean,
weight mean, frequency and percentage. Based on the analysis made, the following major
findings were obtained. Trainees and trainers know the principle and the objectives of
CBT program; adequate orientations were given about CBT delivery system. The theory
and practice are integrated on delivering competency based training; it was delivered by
demonstration of what trainees have learned in practice. The study found that there is lack
of training materials and infrastructural facilities to conduct competency based training
i.e. inadequate electricity supply, insufficient training and workshop room. The
availability of instructional materials was also not functional to implement CBT.
Therefore, it is recommended that the TVET College workshops and laboratories must be
equipped with adequate and necessary training material and equipment. TVET College
must devise mechanisms to reduce financial constraints. In addition to this, government
bodies and stakeholders had contributed to solve the lack of workshop materials and
facilities in line with CBT requirements.