This study is conducted to investigate parental involvement in the education of their children
with intellectual disability. The study employed explanatory sequential mixed approach in which
the quantitative data and results provide a general picture of the research problem. Specifically
through qualitative data collection, is needed to refine, extend, or explain the general picture. To
this end, four research questions were set to guide the study and 59 parents of children with
intellectual disability were selected by simple random sampling method for the quantitative
phase and six parents of children with intellectual disability were selected by purposeful
sampling for the qualitative data. MANO VA and Pearson correlation were employed to analyze
the qsantitative data and the qualitative data were analyzed by thematic analysis. The result
form MANOVA indicated A= 0.35, F = 1.844, df = (15,127), p = (0.035) multivariate rz2 =
0.165 which implied that parent's education have significant effect on the improvement of
adaptive behavior skills of their children with intellectual disability. But it is not significant on
each adaptive behavior skill (communication skill, social skill, practical academy skill, self help
skill and safety skill). The result from Pearson correlation (r = 0. 094) implied there is no
statistically significant correlation between parent's involvement in the school and education
level of parents at (p>O. 01). The result of qualitative data indicated that factors like low
economic income, age of the child, lack of knowledge and enough time to apply practical
educations and some parent's pessimistic view on improvement of their children education
affecting the involvement of parents in the education of their children. The study recommended
that parent's involvement in the area of adaptive behavior skills should be scientific in order to
make a better life for children with intellectual disability. The government should have also put
effort in decreasing the economic burdens of parent's