A traffic accident is one of the leading causes of death in the world, especially in
developing countries. Unsafe road conditions or road defects are one of the common
reasons for traffic accidents. Detection of road defects has a big role in minimizing
traffic accidents, facilitating early maintenance, and makes easier for inspections of
road infrastructures. Different researches have been done on the detection of road
defects and most of the studies focused on detection of the presence of damage but in
the real-world scenario, the road managers need to know the type of defect, the behavior
of the defect in advance in order to take actions, to allocate resources or to solve the
problems earlier.
In this study, a road defect detection and classification model was developed using a
convolutional neural network (CNN) by considering the main types of road defects:
crack, pothole, and rutting of roads. The datasets are collected in different road
conditions in international repositories by cameras installed on vehicles. We make
enhancement of image datasets by preprocessing images that include resizing,
reduction of noises using bilateral filter and contrast enhancement with CLAHE has
been made in order to enhance the image, and prepare them for the model. For feature
extraction and classification, we design a CNN model with 4 way softmax classifier in
order to classify the road defects to crack, pothole, rutting, and normal road conditions.
The Python programming language was used to implement the model on top of the
Tensorflow and Keras API, by testing and selecting the better optimizer and learning
rate for the model. The model is tested using the testing dataset and its result is
presented using the confusion matrix, accuracy, precision, recall and f1 score. The
model achieved accuracy of 99.2% for training and 96 % for testing to detect and
classification of road defects. Our model was faster to train and had smaller model size
as compared to the state-of-the-art models. When the model compares with the state of
the art models, it improves the performance by 2% than (VGG ) and 4% than ResNet
Keyword - CNN, Road defect detection, defect classification