The (GRS-IBS) Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Integrated Bridge System is a composite
bridge structure built using closely spaced layer of geosynthetic reinforcement and
compacted granular backfill of GRS abutment that directly supports the bridge and
blends the abutment. GRS-IBS consists of three main components: the reinforced soil
foundation (RSF), the abutment, and the integrated approach. Foundation systems are
complex interactive systems due to the variable material properties of different
constituents of the system. The behavior of geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) walls
always constructed on a rigid foundation has been extensively investigated numerically,
experimentally in the past. The foundation soil of GRS wall must have sufficient bearing
capacity to prevent failure and excessive deformation. Based on a review of the
literature, there is a need to quantify the effect of foundation stiffness on deformations of
geosynthetic reinforced soil integrated bridge system (GRS-IBS).
This thesis is carried out the effect of foundation system stiffness, vertical reinforcement
spacing, and different bridge loading conditions on the performance of GRS-IBS wall
using numerical analysis limit to static condition. The numerical model was developed
using two-dimensional finite element program of Abaqus version 6.13 software package
together with the Mohr-coulomb elastoplastic constitutive model for soils and elastic
model for concrete and reinforcement materials. A parametric study using this model
was performed by varying influence of design factors such as: the variation of
foundation stiffness, vertical reinforcement spacing, and bridge loading. The result of
analysis was indicated that horizontal and vertical abutment facing deformation
computed by the numerical analysis increased with the wall height in all the simulated
models until reaching the maximum value, and then decreased with increasing elevation
towards the top of the wall for all model. The lateral and vertical abutment facing
deformation computed by numerical analysis in the parametric study increased with the
increase in the vertical reinforcement spacing, bridge load, and the decrease in the
foundation system stiffness.