Expansive soils have the inherent property of swelling when they have adsorbed water and shrinking when they are dried. This property of expansive soil causes to damage structures constructed on it. To minimize the impact ...
Soil stabilization is one of several ground improvement methods used around the world. Researchers in geotechnical engineering have investigated the use of waste materials as a cost-effective and environmentally friendly ...
In Ethiopia, roads often fail before the end of the design period or, in some cases, a
few months after completion. Failures can have many different causes, but are
typically caused by poor construction practices, poor ...
In the case of a highway, a weak subgrade results in a greater thickness of pavement layer, which increases the cost of pavement construction. As the subgrade soil is too weak to bear the load, engineering solutions such ...
Expansive soils change their volume due to changes in moisture condition. The volume change characteristics of this soil lead to different problems for structures constructed on it. To minimize the impact of the expansive ...
This study is a survey to assess the flexible pavement conditions to identify and specify the
different pavement failure types for the selected road segment. Most of the roads constructed
in Ethiopia fail before ...
Accurate and cost-effective approaches are required to determine the unsaturated soil
property functions. Past research studies have indicated that particle-size distribution
data of soils are a ...
Unsaturated soils are a common feature in many regions worldwide and play a crucial
role in various geotechnical engineering applications. However, the complex and timeconsuming nature of determining unsaturated ...
With a rapid growth of population in developing countries like Ethiopia, the constructions
of residential and commercial developments are booming in urban areas. New
developments are constructed adjacent to ...
Any civil engineering construction needs soil as its fundamental basis and the stability of
these structures depends greatly on the quality of the underlying soils. Poorly engineered
soils are difficult to build on ...
Expansive soils have the inherent property of swelling when they have adsorbed water and shrinking when they are dried. This property of expansive soil causes to damage structures constructed on it. To minimize the impact ...
Soil stabilization is one of several ground improvement methods used around the world. Researchers in geotechnical engineering have investigated the use of waste materials as a cost-effective and environmentally friendly ...
In Ethiopia, roads often fail before the end of the design period or, in some cases, a
few months after completion. Failures can have many different causes, but are
typically caused by poor construction practices, poor ...
In the case of a highway, a weak subgrade results in a greater thickness of pavement layer, which increases the cost of pavement construction. As the subgrade soil is too weak to bear the load, engineering solutions such ...
Expansive soils change their volume due to changes in moisture condition. The volume change characteristics of this soil lead to different problems for structures constructed on it. To minimize the impact of the expansive ...
This study is a survey to assess the flexible pavement conditions to identify and specify the
different pavement failure types for the selected road segment. Most of the roads constructed
in Ethiopia fail before ...
Accurate and cost-effective approaches are required to determine the unsaturated soil
property functions. Past research studies have indicated that particle-size distribution
data of soils are a ...
Unsaturated soils are a common feature in many regions worldwide and play a crucial
role in various geotechnical engineering applications. However, the complex and timeconsuming nature of determining unsaturated ...
With a rapid growth of population in developing countries like Ethiopia, the constructions
of residential and commercial developments are booming in urban areas. New
developments are constructed adjacent to ...
Any civil engineering construction needs soil as its fundamental basis and the stability of
these structures depends greatly on the quality of the underlying soils. Poorly engineered
soils are difficult to build on ...
This thesis abstract explores the utilization of soil as a readily available and abundant
resource for various applications, including cost-effective alternatives to traditional
construction materials. While ...
Correlations are important to estimate engineering properties of soils particularly for
project where there is a financial limitation, lack of test equipment or limited time.
Although correlations ...
Lateritic soils are used as the construction of road sub-base materials. Some lateritic soil
does not satisfy the sub-base specifications recommended by Ethiopia Road Authority
(ERA). This research was focused on ...
The recompression and compression index of fine-grained soil, obtained from the onedimensional consolidation test, is used to determine the settlement of over-consolidated
and normally consolidated fine-grained ...
In tropical countries, including Ethiopia Expansive soils are difficult deposits for civil
engineering construction because they swell and shrink during the wet and dry seasons,
respectively. The ...
As soil moisture content varies, expansive soils experience significant volume
changes, causing significant damage to foundations built on these soils. To minimize
the problem, the determination of volume ...
Volume-changing soils are among the most challenging geomaterials commonly met
on the planet during infrastructural development. This study investigates the change
in the geotechnical and microstructural characteristics ...
The soil has many engineering properties in its natural state. These properties,
however, can be altered to meet desired standards by combining the soil with certain
materials. The combined effect of rice ...
In Woreta-Debre Tabor road section part of Woreta-Woldia link road there is around
400 m section of the road which is un-surfaced from construction period up to know
due to instability problems happened during ...
Potentially expansive soils can be found almost anywhere in the world. The Presence of swelling
soils under the foundations of civil engineering structures particularly, lightly loaded structures
has caused serious ...