In Ethiopia, the services of rural saving and credit cooperatives sectors were not able to address the financial demand of rural poor. Particularly in the study area, participation of households and members saving in rural saving and credit cooperatives were very low. In the study area, from the total 165,405 population 3,224 were members it covers only 2.1% they were organized under 17 rural saving and credit cooperatives because of different reasons. Because of the presences factors which determine household to participate in these cooperatives. The aim of this study was to examine the determinants of households to participate in rural saving and credit cooperatives. To select the sample Kebeles simple random sampling method were employed. Besides, stratified random sampling and simple random sampling methods were employed to select 194 household heads. Data were collected from primary and secondary sources through interview schedule, focus group discussion, and key informant interview methods. These data were analyzed through probit model and multiple models for rural saving and credit cooperatives membership and members’ saving participation in rural saving and credit cooperatives respectively. The probit result revealed that sex, age, income, land size, tropical livestock unit, distance, and participating in local leadership were significantly influence saving and credit cooperative membership, and also Multiple linear regression model result show that age, sex, tropical livestock, income, education, credit and saving interest influence members’ saving significantly. In addition to these lacks of administrative offices, weak management, low amount loan and lack of employed experts identified as challenges of members participation in rural saving and credit cooperatives. Therefore, providing upgrade members education level, prepare awareness creation and access to information, built administrative offices and work with stockholders which is volunteers, to facilitate their services and to solve other problems were recommended points.
Key words: challenge; credit: member; probit; opportunities; saving