Agriculture is the mainstay of the Ethiopian economy in terms of income, employment and generation of export revenue. The development of irrigation and agricultural water management holds significant potential to improve productivity and reduce vulnerability to climatic change. Systematic monitoring of water productivity by Remote Sensing techniques can help to identify water productivity gaps and evaluate appropriate solutions to close these gaps. WaPOR database is one of Systematic monitoring of water productivity. This study aims to Analysis the Water Productivity (CWP) by using the WaPOR database (water productivity through open access of remotely sensed derived data), measured yield and irrigation water. The study was carried in Koga watershed located in the headwaters of the Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia. In Koga irrigation scheme, there are 11 night storage, which irrigate 12 blocks (7000 ha). From those three blocks (Adibera, Chihona and teleta) were selected. For validation of WaPOR database, use 18-sample point from each block. The Results were evaluated based on the value of yield and crop water productivity Parameters. In average, the yield parameter fit against the measured data using Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE), Percent Bias (PBIAS) and Coefficient of determination (R2) criteria is 0.42, 6.89 and 0.53 respectively. The validation results indicate that the WaPOR database application is applicable for water productivity analysis in irrigation schemes. The Results of average wheat yield in Adibera, Chihona and Taleta block are 17963.34 Kg/ha, 19475.07 Kg/ha and 15959.02 Kg/ha and also crop water productivity are 1.089 Kg/m3, 1.109 Kg/m3 and 1.030 Kg/m3 respectively. In trend analysis from (2010-2020), the average ETIa , yield and Water productivity is increasing over the whole period by 2.18%, +1.52% and +4.10% respectively per cropping season over all Koga irrigation schemes. the overall result indicate Chihona has the highest ETIa per cropping season and Teleta scores on average the lowest water consumption. The overall study indicates WaPOR database application provides information about land cover classification, Crop yield and Water Productivity with minimum resources like time, labor and budget.