The demand for high-speed wireless communication is increasing very rapidly and
enforce technologist to develop a communication system platform that can handle
the number of users with acceptable service requirements. In wireless communi-
cation, the spectrum is a scarce resource that needs e ective management and
allocation. Adaptive transmission is the common technique to harvest the time
varying characteristics of wireless channels.
Digital modulation techniques play a signi cant role to attain planned
ow of
information over the allocated bandwidth and power. To have e cient resource
utilization, Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC) is one powerful technique
for improving the spectral e ciency of a system. The transmission parameters are
recon gured based on the value of the instantaneous Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR).
In this work, the convolutional channel coding technique enables to achieve coding
gain 4.6 - 7.3dB than uncoded QAM for di erent modulation and coding pairs. In
a conventional AMC scenario, the switching of the employed modulation and cod-
ing scheme is less
exible. Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) based
AMC has better capability to track wireless channel characteristics smoothly. The
obtained results show that ANFIS based AMC is better in tracking random chan-
nel characteristics and giving a faster response for the change in the link quality
than the conventional AMC.