The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers’ perceptions, self-efficacy and practices of
active learning strategies in Tegedie Woreda secondary schools. Its specific purposes were to
examine the perception of teachers towards active learning strategies in secondary schools, to
assess the secondary school teachers’ self-efficacy to implement active learning strategies, to
assess teachers’ practice of active learning strategies and its contribution for teaching learning
process and to find out factors that highly influences the practice of active learning strategies in
secondary schools. To conduct the study, descriptive survey design was employed. A total of 51
teachers’ and 124 students’ were selected through stratified proportionate random and
comprehensive sampling techniques respectively and participated in the study. Mixed method
approach which involved survey questionnaire, observation and interview was employed. The
quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques (frequency, percentage
mean and mean ranking) and inferential statistics (one sample t-test). On the other hand, the
qualitative data was analyzed by organizing, summarizing and interpreting narrative
description. The main findings of the study showed that the majority of the teachers looked that
they have positively perceived active learning method. However, their positive perception did not
enable them to practice active learning in the classroom. It also showed that the teachers had
high self-efficacy towards the implementations of active learning strategies. The major factors
affecting the implementation of active learning strategies were shortage of time, large class size,
inadequate funds, classroom condition, there is no provision of teacher training program,
students’ beliefs and perception, students' lack of interest, lack of equipment resources, lack of
attention to the profession of teaching, the local weather condition. The present study
recommends that Principals should strengthen school CPD program to provide teachers with a
professional training that equip them with the adequate knowledge and skills of active learning