The purpose of this study was to assess the availability and accessibility of educational
technology infrastructure, teachers and students utilization of educational technology in the
TVET. Besides, the present study explored major challenges related with utilization of
educational technologies. To these ends, descriptive survey design was employed. The main data
sources of the study were trainers, trainees and college deans of Tegbared and HOPE TVET
College. A total of 170 trainees, 36 trainers, and two college deans were included in the study.
The researcher used simple random sampling technique in order to give equal chances for the
trainees and trainers and comprehensive sampling technique for the college deans. The main
data gathering instruments were questionnaires, interview and observation. Descriptive
statistical techniques such as mean and percentage and inferential statistics such as one sample
t-test have been used for data analysis. The major findings of the study showed that, there are
available, and accessible educational technologies in both TVET college. Regarding to the
utilization level, educational technologies were not effectively utilized in the two TVET colleges
due to lack of skill, lack of time, lack of experience towards using educational technology,
insufficient allocated budget for the utilization of educational technology, malfunction of
equipment. The present study recommends that the required well-equipped Educational
technology facilities that would enhance TVET should be fulfilled as much as possible.