The purpose of : his study was to assess the quality of education by
investigating the cffecuveness or teachers and the presence of necessary
Iacilitics in Wa.g I lirnra Zone primary schools (full cycle). Descriptive
surv(~Y method was used. To achieve the objective of the st.udy, basic
research questions were asked regarding the effectiveness of teachers
anc the presence of necessary facilities in schools. The study was
conducted in 12 schools m 0 woredas. The subjects of the study were
Grade 311: students. And also teachers [wao teach grade gn; students),
principals and supervisors were included in the study. Sirnpk: random
and purposive sampling techniques wt-re used and also adequate
samples we-re- selected: ?.08 srudcnts, : 3 teachers, 12 principals and 12
supervisors. To collect data, questionnaire (for students), observation
•ecklists (for teachers and schools) and nucrvicw (for principals and
supervisors) were used. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were
used ro analyze the data: the response of dosed - ended items of the'
questionnaire and the checklists were ar.alyzcd quantirauvcly. Similarly.
the response of open-ended items of tbc questionnaire and the rnsponst~
of irerr.s of the interview were analyzed qualitatively. Pcrceru age and one
sample- r-test (teacher ctfcctivcncss] were used. The findings revealed
that, teachers were not effective cnougl. am! schools h:.id nol rn•~cessary
facilities to provide quality education. Fmally. based on the findings,
conclusions and recommendations were forwarct-d i o address the'