The purpose of this research was to investigate the efforts made by teachers
to utilize the constructivist approach to teaching. The study was also aimed
at exploring major challenges that adversely influence teachers from using
constructivist approach to teaching. Furthermore, assessing the difference
between governmental and non-governmental school teachers in utilizing
constructivist approaches and the challenges they encounter were also within
the scope of the study. The sample consisted of 58 governmental and 53
non-governmental school teachers purposively selected from 17 primary
schools of Bahir Dar town. Percentage & t- test were used to analyze data.
Questionnaires and classroom observation checklist were considered to
gather data. As the findings indicate, it is inconceivable to accept that
teachers are utilizing constructivist approach to teaching in their respective
classrooms. Besides, it showed that the difference between governmental and
non-governmental school teachers in utilizing constructivist approach was
significant. Teachers had identified 10 major challenges that adversely
influence their practice from a constructivist approach perspective. Data also
revealed that what were the major challenging factors for governmental
school teachers in ""'utilizing constructivist approach were not found to be
serious problems for non- governmental school teachers.