Believing that it is a corner stone in the overall function and nature of a school,
educators urge school practitioners to build a collaborative. culture in their school.
The major purpose of this study was to explore the nature of relationship among
staff from collaboration point of view in one primary school from the 28 primary
schools in Bahir Dar town, Ethiopia. Using maximum variation sampling
procedure 14 teachers, the principal, vlprincipal and the supervisor of the school
were included as participants of the study. Interview was used as data collecting
instrument. Moreover, artifacts were also used as an alternative and substantive
source of information. Cresswell's (1998) four step data analysis spiral were
employed to analyze the data collected through interview. The findings of the study
indicated as there were 24 structures in the school for team interaction and
. participative decision making, and three rituals of meeting (monthly whole -staff
meeting, departmental meeting and CPD) that witnessed as culture of collaboration
'tangibly existed in the school. Yet, 'Symbols and ceremonies, which are also tangible
manifestation of collaborative culture, were not found in the school. Besides, from
the attempt made to explore collaborative values it seemed uncovered that openness
was not desirable in the informal day- to- day relationship among staff of the
school. Moreover, interdependence and valuing individuals as people were
discovered as desirable beliefs that guide the informal day to day relationship
among teachers. Yet, it was hard to fined evidence that manifested as
\ttterdependence-and valuing individuals as people was desirable beliefs in the daily ·
relationship between teachers and the school principal. To the attempt made to
explore perceptions of teachers to collaborative structures (whole staff meeting and
CPD), three kinds of perceptions were uncovered to CPD and whole staff- meeting.
The first was that CPD developed my professional skill and knowledge, and I was
comfortable to the mutual cooperation I made with colleagues in CPD. Second we
were mutually working hard on it, but CPD was inconsistent with the realities in
our school. Third, CPD was not important at all and mutual cooperation with
colleagues was wasting time. On the other hand, the following include perception
of teachers to whole-staff meeting. First» there was no free mutual discussions,
sharing of ideas and participative- decision making. Second, there were no free
mutual discussions and sharing of ideas but ambivalence about participative
decision making. Third, th.ere were free mutual discussions, sharing of ideas and
participative decision making. Moreover factors that inhibited opportunities for
formal and informal collaboration were also uncovered in this .study, while time
constraint and uncomfortable staffroom were discovered as factors that inhibited
informal opportunities for collaboration where as undemocratic process and
attitude were discovered as factors that inhibited collaboration in the formal
structures such as whole staff meeting and CPD. Finally, an overall discussion,
conclusion and recommendations are forwarded.