The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of small sided game vs. resistance training on
agility, speed and explosive power. 25 players were included as 8 players for small sided game,
8 players for resistance group and 9 players for control group are participated to the study.
Data were collected from primary and secondary sources. The method of data collection
employed includes pre and posttest records of fitness variables are primary and sport journals,
literature, article books etc are secondary source. The data were analyzed by using experimental
statistics such as paired sample t-test and independent sample t-test in order to summarize the
results of the research objectives. The study showed that the players who performed 8 weeks of
resistance training registered better records in speed and explosive power compared to with
those who participated in 8 weeks small sided game training. And small sided game training
participants were registered almost equal in agility of participant of resistance training group.