Researchers in the fields of health and physical education recognized that the goals of public health and physical education are to get and remain school children physically active through their adult hood. In fact, the promotion of lifelong physical activity participation has been recognized as the ultimate goal of school physical education programs and physical has been ranked top in the ten leading health indicators. In addition, many studies have been showing various possible determinant factors that might contribute for students’ attitude towards health and physical education .Thus, this study tries to investigate the attitude of students learning physical education and regular aerobic exercise in some selected secondary schools of Misrak Meskan woreda. The researcher used a descriptive survey research method of analysis and the data was collected through administration of questionnaires, from these the total questionnaire distributed was 155 items and 149(96.13%) was returned and 6(3.87%) of the questionnaire was not returned due to unwillingness of the respondents. The information was analyzed by excel computer software and both qualitative and quantitative analytical procedures were employed. Besides, frequency counts, percentage, mean, standard deviation and descriptive statements were used to analyze the items of the questionnaire.
The results are presented and discussed by categorizing some related questions together for the ease of understanding in to seven main headings. Namely, Students attitude towards the degree of importance for sports and gems, students attitude toward physical education with reference to health, participation, enjoyment, curriculum, dissatisfaction and their physical education teachers. It is possible to conclude that physical education has a great role in keeping the individuals fit and healthy through participating in regular physical activities daily, it also contributes positively to improve relationships and training for leadership, the time and number of periods as well as extra-curricular activities related to Physical Education should be increased and provided so as to equip students with the necessary knowledge, skill and ethical value of the subject matter.
Besides, it seems important that teachers should be required to create and use variety of teaching methods which are appropriate and enable encourage most students to participate and show their abilities and this initiative should include those students who wish to do physical activity for recreation and for enjoyment as well as for those who are members of the school team.
Keywords:-Attitude, curriculum, dissatisfaction, enjoyment, health, participation and Physi