Hand ball is a type of team game and requires a complex skill. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of eight weeks strength training on passing and shooting skill of handball grade12th female students in woreta secondary and preparatory school. The study employed experimental research design. 60 students are randomly selected from total 397 grade12th female students and divided in two group 30 experimental and 30 control groups. Only experimental group participate on strength training for 8 weeks with three sessions per week for 40 minutes. Subjects were measured passing and shooting skills of hand ball before administration of strength training as pretest and after training as posttest. The data collected from study subject was analyzed using spss version 23 software by paired sample t-test with level of significance 0.05. The result showed that strength training significantly improved passing and shooting kills in control group at (p<0.05). But no significant difference were found in the variable control group (p>0.05) based on these finding it can be conclude that 8 weeks strength training has a positive effect on improvement of passing and shooting skill of hand ball on female students. There for strength training method is suggested to handball learners and player. The researcher recommended that the teachers and coaches should have included strength training for learners and trainers to improve skills of hand ball.
Keywords; strength