The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between perceived emotional
intelligence, psychological well-being and academic achievement of Merawi secondary school
students. The researcher employed quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive survey
and correlational research design to see the relationship between the (emotional intelligence
and psychological well-being) and academic achievement. The research setting was Merawi
secondary school .Three hundred fifty two (160 males and 192 females) participants were
selected using stratified random sampling technique from grade 9 and 10. Questionnaire was
used to collect data regarding students’ emotional intelligence and psychological well- being
and academic achievement scores also accessed from school record office. The collected data
was analyzed using descriptive, Person correlation, linear regression, Independent t-test and
two way ANOVA. The study shows that Merawi secondary school students’ have scored above
average scores on emotional intelligence, psychological well-being and academic
achievement. The study also revealed that there was a statistically significant positive
correlation between students’ emotional intelligence and academic achievement similarly,
statistically significant positive correlation was also observed between students’ psychological
wellbeing and academic achievement. The study also disclosed that male students scored
relatively higher mean score in emotional intelligence than female students. There was also
statistically significant mean score difference between male and female students in
psychological wellbeing. The t-value revealed that male students scored relatively higher
mean score in academic achievement than their female counterparts. The lower grade level
the higher would be the mean scores in psychological well- being of students whereas the
higher the grade level the lower would be the mean scores of psychosocial well- being. The
school community (teachers, school principals, parent teacher association, administration
staffs and other relevant stake holders) should give emphasis for female students to improve
their emotional intelligence, psychological well-being and academic performance.