The purpose of this study was to show the predictive power of educational level and
age towards gender role attitude in governmental offices in Waghimra administrative zone.
It also examined gender role attitude of women working in different Government offices as a
fundamental strategy in insuring gender equity and equality in the zone. To conduct the
study, women working at zonal offices were approached. Data were collected from employees
working at zonal level. Questionnaire and focused group discussion were employed to obtain
the data. In order to strengthen information gained through questionnaire. FGD was
conducted with 30 women among the respondents of the questionnaire. Both quantitative and
qualitative data analysis techniques were used. The results indicate that neither the education
system nor the gender empowerment activities help the women to make adequate progress in
changing attitude towards gender role. Women, when they pass through age levels did not
show any changes in gender role attitude according to the findings of the study. This may
indicate that the social environment of the government offices and the work area is not able
to provide the women with enough experience that bring about attitudinal change towards
gender role. Based on the findings, it is recommended that the implementation of enhancing
women involvement as well as gender role attitude development is entangled with inadequacy
of specific relevant policies, gender responsive human resource planning and
implementation, monitoring and evaluation systems.