dc.description.abstract |
This study investigated the impact of sustainable land resource management on household‟s
income in Janamora woreda. `Sustainable Land Management`, a new move as an approach
that will enable farmers to sustainably intensify their agricultural productivity and production
by making use of the available land resources efficiently without compromising the benefits of
the future generation. While there is a bulk of information regarding the adoption of SWC
technologies little information is documented on the impact of the various long-term SWC
measures implemented in the country. The study employed „with‟ and „without‟ approach by
comparing farmers who practiced in sustainable land resource management in their own land
and farmers who did not practice those activities. Both quantitative and qualitative data types
were used for analysis. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select the
respondents of participants and non-participants for the survey. Data for the study was
collected from randomly selected 322 farm households of whom 161 participants and 161
non-participants using semi-structured questionnaire. Secondary data were collected from
different sources. Binary logit and Endogenous switching regressions model were employed
to identify the determinant of sustainable land resource management participation and its
impact on farmers‟ income respectively. The logit model result indicates that age of the
household, marital status of the household, household‟s education status, total live stalk unit
of the household, land size, distance of resident from land, membership of watershed user
association are significant factors affect farmers‟ decision to practice sustainable land
resource management. To capture the impact of sustainable land resource management on
households‟ income, in Endogenous switching regressions model, the indicator was
household total annual income in 2018. The result showed that participation in the
sustainable land resource management had resulted in positive and significant impact on
households‟ income which is ATT 31264 ETB, ATU 41520 ETB at 5 and 1 % significance
level with a transitional heterogeneity of -10256 ETB. This shows how significance role of
sustainable land resource management are in improving the income condition of poor
farmers in the study area. It is recommended to participate farmers not participated in SLM
activities and the SLM activities should be comprehensively and inclusively practiced in all
farmers in the study area.
KEY WORDS: Impact, SLM, Endogenous Switching Regression, Income |
en_US |