Background: Breakfast provides the necessary energy and nutrients to achieve an optimal physical and mental performance. It is also feasible to suggest that skipping breakfast impacts children‟s overall development. Objective: To assess factors associated with skipping breakfast and its correlation with academic performance among public primary school children in Debremarkos Town, North west Ethiopia, 2019. Method: -School based cross-sectional study was conducted among children‟s 7-12 years old. A three stage random sampling technique was used to select the study participants. Children parent were interviewed using pre-tested structured questionnaire. Data were entered and cleaned using Epi Data 3.1 software. Systematic random sampling techniques were used to select a total of 600 study participants at Debremarkos. Descriptive statistics, Pearson‟s correlation test and binary logistic regression were used for statistical analysis. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20. Result: - Out of the sampled children, 600 respondents participated in the study with response rate of 98.5%. The magnitude of skipping breakfast was 32.5 %. Students who are males, those who had non educated mothers and those who had minimum family income were more likely to skip breakfast as compared with their counterparts. Conclusion: - The findings of the study gave insight on the factors as an important contributor to breakfast skipping. Children, those who are males, those who had non educated mothers and those who had minimum family income were also found to be significant factors associated with skipping breakfast among public school children‟s. Recommendations: Based on the results of this study, the findings suggest a community health education programme, conducted by school nurses, nutritionists and other health professionals, is needed. Lastly the school community and the general public should promote children‟s to eat healthy breakfast.