Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin essential for proper functioning of the immune system. It comes in the form of retinol from animal sources or beta-carotene from plant source foods. Due to their increased nutrient demand and the severity of the potential health consequences associated with vitamin A deficiency (VAD), preschool children and pregnant women are considered as the most at risk segments of the community. There for this study was designed to assess the prevalence of VAD and associated factors among children aged 6-59 months in Dera wereda, South Gonder, Ethiopia. Community based quantitative cross sectional study was conducted among children aged 6-59 months in Dera wereda from December 1/2018 to January 1/2019 by using multistage sampling techniques. Data were coded and entered into Epi-data version 3.1 and were exported to SPSS version 20 for analysis. The binary logistic regression analysis was used to assess the association between the dependent variable with each independent variable. Finally variables which show association in bivariablet logistic regression at P-Value of less than 0.2, was entered into multivariablete logistic regression model. Two hundred sixty seven mother-children Pairs were included in the study making a response rate of 94.7%. The overall prevalence of Vitamin A deficiency among children age from 6-59 months was 7.8% with 95% CI (4.7, 11.3). The result of the multivariable analysis revealed that attend ANC (AOR 0.446,95 % CI (0.155, 0.980)), being birth within 2 year interval (AOR 0.392, 95 % CI (0.107, 0.839)), and in the age group of 36–47 months (AOR 1.911, 95 % CI (1.305, 11.969)) were significantly associated with vitamin-A deficiency. The overall Prevalence of vitamin A deficiency in this study was found to be lower than the national and regional prevalence. This study confirmed that VAD is mild public health problem in the study area. age of children, birth interval, ANC follow up, PNC follow up and place of residence remain the most important associated factors for vitamin A deficiency. It is also necessary to encourage the community to produce and purchase variety of foods rich in vitamin A and other fortified food.