Introduction: - Globally, about 40% of under two years deaths and over two third of
malnutrition during the first year of life are associated with inappropriate feeding
Objectives: - To assess infant and young child feeding practise and associated factors
among mothers/Caregivers of 6-24 months children in Arada sub-city, Addis Ababa.
Methods and materials: - The study was conducted in Addis Ababa town, in Arada
Sub-city from February to March 2017 G.C. A community based quantitative cross
sectional study design was employed and the total sample size was 393.
Result: - A total of 385 mothers / caregivers of children from 6-24 months were
included in the study yielding response rate of 98%.From the total study participants
about 237(61.6%; 95% CI: 56.4%, 66.5%) were appropriately feed infant and young
child while 148(38.4%) were not appropriate.
Conclusion and Recommendation: - Generally this study show that in higher
prevalence of appropriate IYCF practice this might be due to increase access abilities
of health institutions and Different interventions regarding IYCF practice. To improve
the IYCF practice further intervention need to intervene in increasing the quality of
health services especially in MCH service