Back ground: Dietary diversity is the practice of consuming variety of foods across and within food groups. Adequate diet diversity is very critical for pregnant women optimal health and their birth outcomes. Therefore the study has been designed with the objectives to assess dietary diversity and associated factors among pregnant women in East Belessa district, Central Gondar, Ethiopia. Method: Community based cross-sectional study among 621 pregnant women was conducted from January 04-February 22/2019 in East Belessa district. The district comprises nineteen rural kebeles. Cluster random sampling technique was employed to access the study subjects and all pregnant women in the selected clusters were included in the study. Data was entered to Epidata version 3.1 and export to Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 21.0 for analysis. Descriptive statistics (frequency, proportion, mean and standard deviation) were computed. To assess the association between the dependent variable and independent variable, bivariate and multivariate logistic regression model was employed. Result: The overall prevalence of adequate dietary diversity among pregnant women was 22.4%. Primary education and above (AOR=4.0, CI: 2.1, 7.67), having monthly income 1000-2000 (AOR=4.46, CI: 2.53, 7.87) and >2000 (AOR=6.05, CI: 3.16, 11.59), high participation in household decisions (AOR=2.82, CI: 1.73, 4.59, information about dietary diversity (AOR=2.15, CI: 1.32, 3.51), food security (AOR= 2.63, CI:1.6, 4.34) and attending ANC one times (AOR=2.08, CI=1.003, 4.33) and two-three times (AOR=2.45, CI: 1.15, 5.24) had positive significant association with pregnant women dietary diversity. Morbidity status (AOR: 0.278, CI: 0.14, 0.56) had negative significant association with pregnant women dietary diversity. Conclusion: The magnitude of adequate dietary diversity among pregnant women in East Belessa district, North East Ethiopia was low as compare to recommended minimum dietary diversity pregnant women should consume. The study showed that women educational status, family income, household decision making autonomy, ANC practice, information about dietary diversity, morbidity status and food insecurity were predictors for dietary diversity of pregnant women. Accordingly; go forward in the right side of those variables were the core recommendation of this study.