dc.description.abstract |
This research aims to study the practice of Freebies and Brown Envelopes in Ethiopian Media and Institutional Mechanisms to Address the Problems. The study was employed qualitative research method with case study design and focused on Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation, Amhara Mass Media Agency and Ethiopian Broadcasting Service that were selected purposively. Thus, the populations of the study are journalists, discipline committees and media managers that are found in the selected media organization and the sources for freebies and brown envelopes were included in this study. In order to do this study the researcher also, used purposive, snowball and probability sampling techniques to take the samples from the general population in each media houses and from the sources for data gathering purpose. Therefore, a total of 17 key informants were participated for this study for data gathering purpose. Also, in order to gather the data the researcher used in-depth interview, document analysis and observation and the data was analyzed thematically. The study was used social responsibility theory as a framework and the findings were discussed with based on this theory. This research examined that the practice of freebies and brown envelops in both government and private media, the reasons and mechanisms that were used to protect the problem in the selected media. Based on this assumption this research assured that the problem is existed in media institutions that have ethical code of conduct or not and it is applied in a careful manner to escape from accountability. The journalists and the sources are the major actors who are involved in the action of freebies and brown envelops. The reasons are unethical practice, absence of ethical code of conduct and poor implementation of the code in those media that they adopt the code. Also, low salary, the political economy situation regarding to corruption and individual’s personality are motives for this unethical practice. Although the media institution tried to minimize the problem by endorsing ethical code of conduct and making accountable the journalists who are violating the code, the outcome is insignificant. The complexity of bribe like; using false names, taking without any signing on payroll and involvement of the sources in the action are among the challenges that face to protect freebies and brown envelopes. Thus, the action of freebies and brown envelopes damage the profession of journalism and the media social responsibility. Unless the journalists stand for the society rather than for their interest, it is challenging to combat the problem. Hence, to alleviate the problem of freebies and brown envelopes media institutions could have ethical code of conduct and should implement it seriously. And also, media institutions should carry out different mechanisms to overcome the problem such as giving awareness, creation trainings for stakeholders and applying strong follow up ethical principles and guidelines is vital to minimize problem.
Key words: Journalism, Freebies and Brown envelopes, Institutional Mechanisms |
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