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Ethiopian political landscape was slipping deeper into crisis from time to time. Ethiopia's ruling EPRDF (Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front) decided to impose emergency rule to stem a 2016/2017 wave of anti-government protests. Ethiopia has been troubled by years of ethnic unrest and protest. The government of Ethiopia declared a 10-month state of emergency covered from October 2016- August 2017. This study aimed at examining how ATV and ESAT frame news stories of Ethiopia’s 2016/2017 state of emergency. The study used quantitative content analysis and qualitative (textual analysis) techniques. Theme, frames, sources, tone and media functions were the key elements the study applied to get the most legitimate information for deciding the frame of these media. News media all over the world covered the whole situation in detail. This thesis focused on ESAT and ATV news media representatives to examine their overall frames in news coverage on the Ethiopian state of emergency. An empirical analysis of the news articles from October 2016 up to August 2017 was done based on the framing theory. The result indicated that channels were focused on similar themes, but represented them in different tones. ESAT-News relies both on victim and international human right organization sources, while ATV chose government official statements. The usage and treatment of themes, source, framing and tone of the story as well as the media role they played were the relevant parameter which the researcher used to compare the two media involvement of the issue. Almost in all of these elements Amhara television and ESAT showed reasonable distinction. The difference arose from their media ideologies. ESAT entitled to Freedom of the country from the current regime. ATV works for the constitution and government side. With regard to the theme, both stations’ media emphasized the importance of the political dimension of this case, and the way is different peace vs. war, repression vs. freedom, protection Vs. Freedom question, right question Vs Violence, etc imposed pressure on Ethiopia to resolve the issue. Regarding to the balance, both stations’ news presented voices that supported public and state position in the state of emergency. Although there is a degree of dissimilarity in displaying a variety of voices involved in the case, both stations’ news presented statements that supported the ideology, regardless of their owner. The usage of source of news was also another field where Amhara television and ESAT displayed a considerable difference. Amhara television used religious leaders and government officials as its dominant source. These sources are least used by ESAT. ESAT used victim families and friends followed by opposition groups. To the contrary, Amhara television didn't invite such sources. Data analysis of the result indicated that they aligned with their distinguished source in order to propagate their media stance. The dominant tone of the news by ESAT on State of emergency was identified as negative due to the representation of the controversial themes by using judgmental phrase combinations. ESAT was absolutely negative and anti to the Ethiopian state of emergency, signifying its interest to see the down fall of the political regime. Amhara television was neutral to some extent and essentially pro the continuation of the state of emergency. ESAT and ATV-News overall frames were identified as different; they reflected the official ideology and ownership attitude to the Ethiopian State of emergency rule. The researcher recommended that Amhara television shall report issues like state of emergency effects on victim side so as to get a balanced source of information. ESAT shall be avoiding extreme propaganda. |
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