The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of high volume endurance training and high intensity interval training on maximal aerobic capacity, running speed and muscle power in Fasiledes male football club players. The study employed quasi-experimental research design and there were conducted to improve maximal aerobic capacity, running speed and muscle power on all 23 Fasiledes male football club players. These all twenty-three male football players were assigned as two experimental group (high volume endurance training=11 and high intensity interval training=12) by using intervention, and their age ranges were between 20 and 26 years. All subjects were select for the study by using comprehensive sampling technique. For 8 weeks’ training programs i.e., three days per week exercise training and duration per session (HVET = 50-70min, HIIT = 30-40min) was conducted. The instrument for data gathering to investigate this problem the researcher was used in Pre-test and posttest results. All subjects participated in physical fitness tests: maximal aerobic capacity for 12 minutes run test, running speed using 30meter sprinting test and muscle power for counter movement jump test. The data collected from subjects were analyzed by using (SPSS version 21) and paired sample t-test to determine the differences between pre-test and post-test mean value results of the participants of the study. According to the findings of the study the paired sample t-test result of twelve minutes’ run test within HVET group (MD = 154.5m, SD = 201.6, p = 0.029) and HIIT group (MD = 202.5m, SD = 283.1, P = 0.031), significant at 0.05 level of confidence, in case of 30-meter sprinting HVET group (MD = 0.17sec, SD= 0.21, p= 0.024), and HIIT group (MD = 0.166sec, SD= 0.177, p= 0.008) and in case of CMJ the HVET group were found in (MD = 1.1cm, SD = 1.97, p = 0.097) and HIIT group was found in (MD = 1.2cm, SD = 1.6, p = 0.021). Therefore, the results obtained from the study indicate that effective significant improvement should be observed on maximal aerobic capacity and running speed performance. However, in the case of muscle power performance were significantly reduced in the HVET group, (p>0.005) but significant improvement was observed in HIIT group within the mean deference of pre and post test results. The researcher was concluding that HIIT program is more effective and time efficient training method than HVET program for improving maximal aerobic endurance, maintaining running speed and muscle power performance in club level Fasiledes male football club players responding to 8 weeks training program.
Key words: Vo2max, Muscle power, running spee