The benefit of traditional dance as a physical activity and contribution to health has not been fully appreciated. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Gondar traditional dance on health related physical fitness of female students in Nefas Mewucha secondary school. In this study quasi experimental design was employed. To select the subjects of the study, available sample method was used. The study subjects (n= 30) female students in age range from 17-19 were included. Special training: derowuha siteta, sikisik and wancha likileka was provided for twelve consecutive weeks. Pre and post-test measurements were taken from all subjects before and after the experimentation. The statistical technique used in this study was pair sample t-test at the significant level of 0.05. data were statically analyzed by the use of paired sample T test via statistical package for social science version 23 was used to find out the significance level at 0.05 pre training and post training results of each variable. The result show that after 12 weeks of Gonder traditional dance training participant’s cardiovascular endurance (MD= 218.667) and muscular endurance (MD= 13.7) were changed significantly (p < 0.05).but there was no significant improvement in body composition (MD=-0.26816 &P 0.054 so that p>0.05) as compare the pre-test with the post test result. Therefore it can be concluded that Gonder traditional dance training program can improve the muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance of high school students.
Key words: derowuha siteta, sikisik, wancha likileka and health related physical fitness