Developing football minor game training program for student is a strategy for improve physical fitness to minimizing passiveness of student during practical lesson. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of teaching twelve week minor game training program on student physical fitness. The study employed quasi- experimental research design for pretest and post test result on both experimental and control group. From grade 12th Male students selected samples of the study consisted of (40) students divided in to two equal groups from Tagel preparatory school were selected with age (EG=18.3 ±0.657, CG=18.85±0.75). The researcher developed twelve week minor game training interventions ware gave for only experimental group(n=20) participated 3 sessions per a week 40-60 minute per session of exercise training in addition, to one day per week physical education program. Control group (n=20) did not join in any sporting activity except for physical education class at the school. Six tests were used to determine students physical fitness improvement such as twelve minute run test, laying sit up ,sit and reach test, vertical jump test,30m acceleration and Illinois agility test. The data collected for the study subject was analyzed using SPSS version 20 software (statistically packages of social science) by paired t- test with level of significant 0.05. The result showed on football minor games training statistical significant improve on CVE (MD=77.5), muscular endurance (MD=2.5), flexibility (MD=1.95), leg power (MD=2.45), speed (-0.204) and agility (-0.326) at 0.05 level of confidence. But, no statistical significant difference found in the entire variable in control group (P>0.05). After statistical processing of measurements, the study revealed the following results: football minor- games have statistical significant effect on improvement of physical fitness (P < 0.05) among the preparatory school 12th grade students, between the pre and post measurements in favor of post measurement. Furthermore, results revealed that the experimental group members were improved physical fitness performance in comparison with control group members. The study was assessing only physical fitness it is possible to conduct similar studies in collective games while using minor - games program that contains social skills, performance skill and life skills.
Key words: Game, Minor- game, Physical fitness.