The purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of continuous and interval training on physical fitness variables among female football players at Dangila town. To achieve the purpose, Experimental design was used. The target population of this study was 28 females under 17 football project players in Dangila Town; these players were taken by using comprehensive sampling techniques their age was lies in between 14 and 17 years. The participants of this study were classified in to two groups namely; Continuous training group (n=14) and interval training group (n=14) performed continuous and interval training respectively three days per week for 2-month and 60minet per session. Both groups undergone normal training program. And both groups had taken pre and post-tests. So, all subjects participated in 4 selected physical fitness performance tests: 60 second sit-up test, standing long jump test, Illinois agility test and 30meter sprinting test. The data collected from the study subject was analyzed using SPSS version 21 software by paired sample t-test and independent sample t- test of significant at 0.05 level of confidence. Both groups were significantly increased on muscular endurance, power, agility and speed. However, the results of the study indicated that, continuous and interval training group were not significant difference in level of muscular endurance. Whereas, in the level of agility, power and speed there was a significant difference between groups, since interval training group were better performed than continuous training group. As it was assessed by Levene's test for equality of variances at the level of 60sec sit-up test (P =.459, MD = -1.5000) standing long jump test (P = .000, MD = -0.4221) Illinois agility test (P = .011, MD =.6000) 30m sprinting test (P =.002, MD = .4507). So it can be concluded that continuous training as effective as interval trainings for enhancement of muscular endurance. Whereas, interval training is more effective than continuous training in the improvement of power, agility and speed of fitness in eight weeks training programs of female football project players. But additional longer-term study with follow-ups should be required to confirm this.
Keywords; Continuous