Assessing of selected skill related physical fitness level of handball project players is vital in the improvement of performance in handball project. The purpose of this study was to assess the skill related physical fitness level of handball project players in west Gojjam zone. With comprehensive sampling cross-sectional study design was employed. Quantitative data was gathered from 74 U- 17 male handball project players of Finote Selam, North Mecha and Quarit. The study used statistical package for social science /SPSS/ software version 23 for data analysis. The study was selected physical fitness variables of speed, power, and agility. The data were analyzed by using one sample t-test and ANOVA. Speed performance were measured using 35 meter run test, power were measured using standing long jump test and agility also measured using hexagonal obstacle test. Result shows that in power of Finote selam and North Mecha wereda handball project players of male u-17 were found to be above average than the required standard. In Agility of west Gojjam zone handball project players were found below average, In speed of west Gojjam zone handball project players were found below average but in case power of Quarit wereda handball project players was above average compared to fitness standard. These findings show that skill related physical fitness level of handball project players of agility of west Gojjam zone handball project players categorized under good level, speed of west Gojjam zone handball project players categorized good level and power of Finote selam and North Mecha categorized under good level, and power of Quarit wereda handball project players good level when their result compared to fitness standard. Therefore, it would be recommended skill related physical fitness level of handball project players should engage in regular physical exercise to upgrade their physical fitness level.