Improving effective speed-strength training program for handball players is a strategy for enhancing handball skills and fitness. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 12 weeks speed strength training on handball skills: with specific reference to Dangila town handball project. The study employed quasi experimental research design because there are some factors cannot be controlled. 20 male handball players of Dangila town handball team with age 18-20 had divided into 2 groups both the Experimental group (n=10) performed speed strength training three days per week for 3-months to 60-90 minutes on pushups, pull-ups and medicine ball throwing training, and control group (n=10) however, did not received this speed strength training. And both groups had taken pre and post-tests. So, all subjects participated in 3 selected handball skills tests: spot shot test, power throw test, and speed pass test. The data was analyzed and compared with the help of statistical procedures in which arithmetic mean, standard deviation and paired sample t test was used. The level of p≤0.05 considered as significant level. The results of the study showed that the speed-strength training for twelve weeks were more effective in enhancing the spot shot, power throw and speed pass skills of male handball players in Dangila town. Hence, speed strength training is effective and beneficial for the increment of handball skills performance. Generally, the present study concluded that speed-strength training had a significant effect on handball skills performance through the required handball skill tests. Hence, speed strength training has been preferential for the enhancement of handball player skill qualities.
Key: Speed-Strength, Accuracy, Power and Speed