dc.description.abstract |
The purpose of.,his study wm lo examine the causes of women journalists' exclusion on i:11nm11
affairs program» and what challenges women editors face i11 Amhara Mas., Media Agency. The
study used qnalttauve approach phenomenologicui design with inrerview. focus grou11 discussion
,,Ind observation as data galhering tools. The data analyzed by 11sing qualitative data analysis
techniques. Similar ideas categorized thematiculty. The study revealed that women journalist's
self-esteem towards producing current affairs pmgram.t was very poor and editors did not trust
women journalists to handle current r,1Ui1ir programs. Women editors responded that balancing
office and home creates a basic challenge for their success. In addition to this biased attitude of
subordinates and top level managers wa.v also a challenge far w(lme11 editors. Almost a11 of the
respondents agreed 1hat the biggest cha/Ieng« faced by women journalists situated in soft were
Ju:.rKlinJ?; work and family responsibilities; since tl1'< culture in the region freed men with
household chores. Many of 1h1• interviewed wome11 believed Iha/ thos« who enter the media
husin~ss must have a slrong support system i11 place for their careers to be successfu). |
en_US |