dc.description.abstract |
The aim of this research wm to discover the challenges um/ opportunities (!/ womc11 's political mobility.
Despite there is a truddiug. interest 011 the .11udy of Mlmen :, 1n>li1it:al flllrli6f1alim1 and mohili1y, it is
surprls ing 1ha1 so Iii/I" rmplrica! research hos octuotty been conducted on the topic. especially from the
4i<i'rspecNves of women polltictans. Prior research did notfocus on the f:.1clm·< that enhance or inhibi: the
political mobittty f!l women and none of them ore not fully addressed the p1Jlilfoa/ factors such as
appointment procedures, electorai S)'·ste111, selection process, selection criteria. The. main objective r?f. the.
rcseorch '1'c.1S to idt.~Jst~/)1 the enobttug. a11(/ t!i.,t!nuf1!ing fctctt>r., far H1111Je11 ':-.· J><>litiet1( 1no/JilifJl. To answer
ihe main objective the researcher employed pnmary and seconaary data sources. The primary sources 11(
dau: Wl're interview ondfocus group dtscusston 1 lie secondarv sources qf data were document analysis.
The researcher tJhilo.V1JJJl1ic11l 11\.'ft1n1111ion K·t.it interpretive or t:on.,·1r11t~i~·i.\J kno .. v!etlKe claim. The
researcher employed quatuative research npproocbes. The reseorcher used case study as a research
.<1r(Jte&'Y which related lo huerpretive phtlosophical nssumption. Data analysis in qualitative research is
a11 011goi11g prot:es.r wkmg place throughout 1he do111 collection process. Thu researcher '"'"J thematic'
unalysis. nu:' .f/ndiuJ!..'I indicate Iha/ the chcJ/e111!tC:\' ./i1r U'f1lnen 'y /HJfiltoo/ ntobi/il)" are patriarchy,
.\llt:la/ft;alitnt and ,,u:rc:otyfli.:, the divi..;io11l>eto·cen1nJ1/ic Ufld JJri,•utu ·'t>ht!rf!.\, ln,1/unci11>1. work: unJ}Utni~"'
l!j'e. male negcatve au/rude toward 1.0111e11. lock of organtzed ctvic educotton program. exaggerauon of
misrakes. lack of party support, kick of persouo! mottvation. being selected ~v 1!1e party. lack of rot.'
model 1.-oJn"n r10/i1i<.:it1n\, "''n·e1J1ion t~{ pt1litit:.r ''' dirtv, t:lcc:taro/ .\y:.111111 11,,~ OJ)!JOrt unilh,,, .. /<>r women 's
polutca! mol>ilitJ "re quouu, rhetoric 1tq11allt>: <md rhe existence qf women's league. women 'y
<1SSOC1')1ion mu1 offatrs. The 111cs1 sertes problem for wcmm 's political mobility are Patriarchy;
socializonon and stereotype, baland11g work <mdfirntily lifo: and mule 11cgm1ve a11i111d1: 1111•·1.1rd.< women. |
en_US |