dc.description.abstract |
Die studv was conducted concerning women's participation in seed selection and production
with reference lo informu! setu! system-the daminant seed sector in u1~y production area-in
Ebinat woreda The prime objective of' the stud;' wtts examining wo111e11 's share i11 such <lo111i11a11/
seed sector. Acxordi11gly, ii auempsed to address issues such as ex/en/ of women's participation.
gender roles in specific seed production activities. women's productive activnies and its relation
''' domestic Ja.\·k.~. and constramt» .for fair panicipotio» 1Jf li'IJ1ne11 in se(~1J selection and
prpduction activities. The study employed mixed research approach i11 which couvergen: parallel
research design was used for the purpose of addressing differen: research questions posed It
also used primary and secondary sources of data which were collected tlil'ough questionnatre.
F<TTJs, 1nlt~rllfrt\'t:',f, direc: obvervation a111l tlocumen: r1~\'li~lt'. In scle1:ling .\/1.uf;.' JJOrticipt.1n1.s.
probability and non-probability sampling techniques were employed for the quamltative mid
qt.iitaiive co111))011cnts respectively. Fmally. th« data were analyzed via quamiuuive and
qualitative methods of'data onal .. vsis. TJ1e study found out that women 's panic .. 'i,r1ulit)n i11 seed
selection is with low extent and limned t;<~ving in decision making while they intensively provide
labor in production activities of seed like weeding It shows that majortty of women in male
headed households are part of seed production processes regardless of their health problems,
their level of education. and their burden in the domestic lush. The .vtud; revealed that women
are being disadvantaged due to unfair division of roles and labour which exists i11 octivtties of
seed production therebv they' are lite direct bearer <if prohlems in seed stor« and siu.>r{(1xe which
Jargdy resulted from ill(u:cMsibi!Uy of technologtes and production inputs. 111e. snuty also
indicated that lack of intrastructures, cultural barriers, and inaccessibility of market are 111qi1>r
constramts for fair participotion of womm in seed selection and production. In line with the
problem» idenli/ied. the local i(,vern11ut11/ shall work. on awarenes . v 1111 j.!,et1(ler equali(y~ nrovision
of technologies om/ production inputs. and ('011:1tmc1io11 of roads IO toco! markets were possible
solutionsforwarded to improve wome11 's <hare, .1·1~ving and burden in mol« heoded households in
the study area .
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en_US |