dc.description.abstract |
.i, a core componen! of tlu: broader health system of Ethiopia, Health Extension program (HEP) has
~alth extension workers who are responsible for lts itnrthu11,u1i()lion 1.11 th« .'-:rlJ...\,\ root le v -els .. 4 program
'cdn111>t be i1111,/e11u.?n1ed without having J1u1na11 resource equipped wuh. the required qualtttes. ff/'orki1ig in
a specific program. workers ma;v face challenges and may have opportunittes. Hence, the study al hand
WCI~ designed with the overal! objective to explore the cluillenges 1.111d opportunitie« of health extension
workers in Dale Sadi Woreda rir Oromia Region. in !}11.~ {JYOCe.-..·s q/' itn1)le1nen1iltg the /-TEI'. The study
employed case study research desif:i'I of quaiitative approach to properly address tile issue under study.
I11e qualitative data collection tools applied in this study were interviews and observation. 11w interviews
were conducted with twelve healt}: extension workers and fi>ur key informant». TJu: data collecred lhrough
interviews. u•ere i11 some C{./Se~\' complemented b); observation '?! llE'ffl"s r1h;.·sic:(1/ environments al .'U!F(!/1
HP.t in file woreda. T/1e study employed thematic method of data analysis. The .findif1f!.S of she stud)'
revealed ihal there are 11wny practtcai challenges facing tile HEWs of tile woreda. Many of the ctudlenges
rooted. in the lack of various octual and expected opportuntties for the workers as 111uc/1 os they aspire.
This 1·tm~y evidenced that. ih« challenges are of mulufoceted arismgfrom limited education mu! trainmg
opportunities, 1uu·r1>1-I-' Ojlp(il'ltmi{F to work in 011e 's 011:11 kebel«, !c1ck <!f irt.Ul!i~f'f:r on request. lltck f.~f
necessaryfacitiues, t}I(!. lack ofsupooruv« environment }f>r 1f11.• q[fi.!eliFe t1(Jf>lica!io11 (?{ le;e1,al provision to
fight harmful practice. limited acceptance by the community, owr workload and low self-perception.
Despite its limitations, the availabtlity of tonti;ming education and tratntng opportunity since 201 l/I ~
has been identified as cm opportunity for the HEWs. Jn order to ensure better performance mid personal
devel'fJJ!lielll of the HEWs. the challenges should be addressed and the horizon of opportunlties stunud be
broa1lmedfor them. ' • |
en_US |